Highways & Parking

For seamless parking and traffic management applications, follow our step-by-step guide to ensure all necessary approvals and details are covered.


For parking applications please follow the information provided below: 

  • Please prioritise parking as early as possible to help us help you.
  • A map of the area for clearly marking the bays or area you’d like to be suspended.
  • Exact number of bays and days you’d like to suspend for.
  • All applications are subject to approval by the council’s parking dept.
  • No prior coning is permitted by the crews.

Bay suspensions and single and double yellow line waivers:

Cost Charge Lead Time

Bay Suspension

£65 per bay for cars and transits (1 x bay length)

For larger vehicles prices will be provided on request

£125 per application / location

5 working days

Unit Bases

£1,000 – £3,000 per day

£125 per application / location

5 working days


Approval of all traffic management requests are sought from our Highways Department and permission is granted on a case by case basis.

For all Traffic Management requests you will need to provide us with:

  • TM Company details
  • A traffic management plan (TMP), which clearly illustrates/maps out the area you are intending to use with operative station and signage points
  • Risk assessment and method statement
  • TM Companies public liability Insurance
  • Copy of Traffic Management Operative NRSWA Accreditations.
  • Provide information regarding the use of LED STOP/GO boards and confirmation these are compliant with the Red Book and can be used night-time, if required for night shoots.
Cost Charge Admin Fee

Temporary Traffic Management Order (TTMO)/Road Closure


5 working days


Road Closures


As necessary / by agreement


Crane License


7 days


Street Furniture


7 days


Lighting engineer


7 days


Environmental Issues

Environmental Issues

For filming or the placing of Traffic Management outside of the below hours Section 61 consent may be required

Monday to Friday working hours 08.00 to 18.00 & Saturday 08.00 to 13.00

Ensure you read and understand the information provided on the council website

You must then email environmentalprotection@lbbd.gov.uk to check if a full application is required or a memo of understanding requires issuing, this may take up to 5 working days to approve.

Upon assessment of your application by the Highways Team fees may apply for permits or other associated highway costs.

Apply for prior consent – noise from construction

Form to apply for out-of-hours building or construction with the completion guidance.

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